Please welcome our new Daily Testing Tip contributors

As most of you know, the daily testing tip provides a software testing tip on each week day. Its run by volunteers who for six weeks provide a dailytesting tip.

It can be a real challenge to find a tip within 140 characters that's succinct and helpful. 

Please welcome the latest daily testing tip contributors. 

Monday:  Dennis Gurock
Tuesday : Vips Gupta
Wednesday: Matt Harp
Thursday: Pablin Mazzeo
Friday: Jille Berends 

Its great to see some repeat contributors. 

I look forward to a fun six weeks of fantastic tips! 


Free E-book available for download - "If I were a testcase I would..."

I'm very excited (and a little proud) to announce the launching of the e-book "if i were a testcase I would...".

Many of you know that the ebook started on twitter with the musing "If I were a testcase I would....". The response was huge. The idea for the book goes to Curious Tester, so many thanks Parimala.

Thanks also to the Software Testing Club who I collaborated with to make this book a reality. You guys are making such a difference in the testing community. So thank you all.

Thanks to the sponsors who very generously supported Chandru's Fund., TestRail, Testing Times and Moolya.  This book is in aid of his ongoing medical needs.

Of course I can't complete the thanks you's without a nod to Andy Glover aka Cartoon Tester for supplying his wonderful cartoons. Is your response in cartoon format?

Download the book, see if your response made it into the book. Apologies if it didn't the oversight is not intentional, but there were so many!

If you celebrate Christmas, have a wonderful Christmas. If you don't have a great holiday and I will see you all in the new year.

Anne-Marie Charrett
Maverick Tester

 I'm looking for volunteers willing to contribute a tweet a week for the dailytestingtip. It's a great way to help out the testing community and get yourself a bit of a profile. ( I profile all contributors on the front page of this blog).

So, if you think you have what it takes, why not contact me Anne-Marie 

Cartoon Tester Meets Daily Testing Tip

Andy Glover aka Cartoon Tester has very kindly agreed to donate some of his fabulous cartoons to the upcoming E-Book "If I were a test case I would ...." 

Many thanks Andy for such a generous offer.

The interest and response to this book has been fantastic with over 300 responses coming in to the challenge. Companies big and small have asked me for advertising. There's talk of an upcoming article in a major magazine. 

But we want more! 

We want more companies to advertise. Remember all proceeds go to charity, the Chandru Fund. 

Advertising packages will be announced on Monday.